Submission information
Submission Number: 95
Submission ID: 133
Submission UUID: f5a8f1b5-6a27-4f5f-9f58-65bed73e21c8
Submission URI: /form/project
Created: Sun, 03/14/2021 - 15:48
Completed: Sun, 03/14/2021 - 15:48
Changed: Wed, 07/21/2021 - 20:42
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Kevin Brandt
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: Project
Project Title | OK: ORU Computer Science (Chemistry, Bioinformatics) |
Program | Great Plains |
Project Leader | Kevin Brandt | | |
Mobile Phone | |
Work Phone | 605-668-5265 |
Mentor(s) | |
Student-facilitator(s) | |
Mentee(s) | |
Project Description | Dr. Stephen Wheat has an HPC background working for HPE. He has recently acquired used equipment for general use at ORU. 41 servers, DB, etc, 1200 cores. Brodwell/Omnipath. Tytan. TU involved (50% workload), regional. Serves Tandy. 100Gbps One-net connection. OneOKII Stephen restarted CS department. Large users. (chemistry, bioinformatics (whole genome)) MRI Request. Jan submitted. 3200 cores. Camren and East Central collaboration. Ambitions to be a regional resource - research grant collaboration, compute etc. Biggest Challenges: Undergraduate Institution. Added sysadmin class - hoping to signup. ACTION: mentor program here? (systems sysadmin, software sysadmin) Growing Research? How can we help? Researcher Engagement. Student Engagement. Regional Resource Discovery. Followup email: Need for Researcher Engagement to help talk about Research Computing in general, the CyberTeam, and to coordinate a Software (or HPC) Carpentry workshop, and have a general conversation about the CI environment at ORU. It would be helpful to identify some key researchers at ORU as part of this process would be good as well. |
Project Deliverables | |
Project Deliverables | |
Student Research Computing Facilitator Profile | |
Mentee Research Computing Profile | |
Student Facilitator Programming Skill Level | Some hands-on experience |
Mentee Programming Skill Level | |
Project Institution | Oral Roberts University |
Project Address | 7777 S Lewis Ave Tulsa, Oklahoma. 74171 |
Anchor Institution | |
Preferred Start Date | |
Start as soon as possible. | No |
Project Urgency | Already behind3Start date is flexible |
Expected Project Duration (in months) | 24 |
Launch Presentation | |
Launch Presentation Date | |
Wrap Presentation | |
Wrap Presentation Date | |
Project Milestones | |
Github Contributions | |
Planned Portal Contributions (if any) | |
Planned Publications (if any) | |
What will the student learn? | |
What will the mentee learn? | |
What will the Cyberteam program learn from this project? | |
HPC resources needed to complete this project? | Mentor and Mentee resources to help with hardware and software stack installation. |
Notes | |
What is the impact on the development of the principal discipline(s) of the project? | |
What is the impact on other disciplines? | |
Is there an impact physical resources that form infrastructure? | |
Is there an impact on the development of human resources for research computing? | |
Is there an impact on institutional resources that form infrastructure? | |
Is there an impact on information resources that form infrastructure? | |
Is there an impact on technology transfer? | |
Is there an impact on society beyond science and technology? | |
Lessons Learned | |
Overall results |