Submission Number: 53
Submission ID: 79
Submission UUID: fdcfb6f8-e2c2-4c0c-aa0e-9a1e1cacb824
Submission URI: /form/project

Created: Wed, 07/29/2020 - 14:50
Completed: Wed, 07/29/2020 - 14:54
Changed: Thu, 07/30/2020 - 10:28

Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Vikram Gazula
Language: English

Is draft: No
Webform: Project
Project Title Modeling Stellar Companions in SDSS
Program Kentucky
Project Leader Nathan De Lee
Mobile Phone
Work Phone
Project Description The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is an international collaboration of astronomers including faculty at University of Kentucky (e.g. Renbin Yan and Ron Wilhelm). In this project, we are exploring how well we can model and detect stellar companions using SDSS data. Stellar companions include stars, brown dwarfs, and planets. One important aspect of this modeling is to understand how well we can recover simulated companions that are designed to look like data taken from the first and second generation of the Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment (APOGEE and APOGEE-2) which are sub-surveys of SDSS. We are testing a variety of different algorithms to figure out which ones provide the best balance of speed versus accuracy. When exploring the chi-squared space of a fit to radial velocity orbital data, the orbital period is one of the most important orbital elements. As a result, we are using period finding algorithms including Lomb-Scargle, AoV, and Fast Chi-squared. We are also trying Markov-Chain Monte Carlo rejection sampling techniques which are slower, but tend to be more accurate.
Project Deliverables
Project Deliverables
Student Research Computing Facilitator Profile
Mentee Research Computing Profile
Student Facilitator Programming Skill Level
Mentee Programming Skill Level
Project Institution Northern Kentucky University
Project Address Kentucky
Anchor Institution
Preferred Start Date
Start as soon as possible.
Project Urgency
Expected Project Duration (in months)
Launch Presentation
Launch Presentation Date
Wrap Presentation
Wrap Presentation Date
Project Milestones
Github Contributions
Planned Portal Contributions (if any)
Planned Publications (if any)
What will the student learn?
What will the mentee learn?
What will the Cyberteam program learn from this project?
HPC resources needed to complete this project?
What is the impact on the development of the principal discipline(s) of the project?
What is the impact on other disciplines?
Is there an impact physical resources that form infrastructure?
Is there an impact on the development of human resources for research computing?
Is there an impact on institutional resources that form infrastructure?
Is there an impact on information resources that form infrastructure?
Is there an impact on technology transfer?
Is there an impact on society beyond science and technology?
Lessons Learned
Overall results