Submission information
Submission Number: 15
Submission ID: 57
Submission UUID: 868b935e-caba-4fb4-9844-200e9d59aab4
Submission URI: /form/resource
Created: Thu, 09/19/2019 - 16:23
Completed: Thu, 09/19/2019 - 16:23
Changed: Fri, 03/29/2024 - 14:50
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Mariana Pachon-Puentes
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: Knowledge Base Resources
Approved: Yes Title: HPC University Category: Learning Tags: debugging (38), hpc-operations (43), professional-development (18), training (381), workforce-development (337), compiling (212), matlab (2), python (69), r (32), mpi (220) Skill Level: Beginner (304), Intermediate (305), Advanced (306) Description: A comprehensive list of training resources from the HPC University. HPCU is a virtual organization whose primary goal is to provide a cohesive, persistent, and sustainable on-line environment to share educational and training materials for a continuum of high performance computing environments that span desktop computing capabilities to the highest-end of computing facilities offered by HPC centers. Link to Resource: - HPC University Resources (