
We recently updated CI Links with an improved interface to help you discover useful training and learning resources.

CI Links are a collection of useful information, videos, tutorials, and training curated by the community to develop skills in high performance computing and learn about CyberInfrastructure.


  • Filter CI Links by topic, type, skill level, science domain, and programming language.
  • Search allows for even finer-grained filtering.


  • “Liking” a CI Link will help others know which resources are most useful.

Do you know of reference materials that others might find useful?

  • Additional CI Links are always welcome. Add your own CI Links to the Knowledge Base.

See something that doesn’t seem useful? 

  • Let us know; you can flag CI Links to report them as outdated, not useful, or inaccurate.

Explore the CI Links


ACCESS Collaboration

Affinity Group