10/15/24 - 08:00 AM to 10/16/24 - 03:00 PM EDT


Indiana University Indianapolis

OpenInfra Days are organized and hosted annually by local User Groups and companies in the ecosystem and are often one or two-day events with keynotes, breakout sessions, and even workshops.

This first OpenInfra Days North America, hosted by Indiana University, US, (https://go.iu.edu/oid-iu2024) is being jointly organized by participants from the United States, Mexico, and Canada. We encourage involvement from users and companies from these countries and hope to have lively networking and community-building from within North America.

OpenInfra Days is a great opportunity to hear directly from prominent open infrastructure leaders, learn from user stories, network, and get plugged into your local community.


Important dates:

  • July 15 - Registration, Call for Proposals (CFP), and Call for Sponsors opens
  • August 12 - Call for Proposals due
  • August 22 - CFP notification of acceptance
  • August 26 - Program announced, Early deadline for sponsors
  • September 3 - Early-bird registration closes
  • September 16 - Regular registration closes, hotel blocks released
  • October 7 - Late registration closes
  • October 11 - Final camera-ready presentations due
  • October 15-16 - OpenInfra Days at IU!


Call for Proposals
The community is invited to submit proposals to help us determine the final program. Presentations, demonstrations, and workshops will enrich the program.

Proposed topics for the CFP include (but are not limited to):

  • Open Infrastructure and digital sovereignty
  • OpenStack and AI
  • OpenStack at the Edge
  • Security in Open Infrastructure
  • OpenStack and Kubernetes
  • OpenStack cloud architectures in production
  • Migrating to OpenStack
  • User stories about operating and using OpenStack
  • OpenStack Projects Updates (new features, development topics, for example about Nova)
  • Other Open Infrastructure related topics such as Kata Containers, StarlingX, and Zuul

Presentations will be chosen based on topics of interest as identified by the program committee as well as space in the program.

Presenters will be notified by August 22 of acceptance. Final slides will be due by October 11 for final review and posting to the conference website (as well as formatting for the projector in the presentation rooms).

All presentations will be posted in PDF format on October 14 and recorded for posting after OpenInfra Days NA at IU via YouTube.

A short description is all that is required by the due date.

You will also request a length of time for your session on the survey.

The proposal submission site closes August 12, 2024.

Registration options include early-bird, regular, late, sponsor (includes some complimentary registrations) and diversity (also complimentary). Register now!

Registration for OpenInfra Days North America at Indiana University is NOW OPEN!

Register before September 3 to receive early-bird pricing!


OpenInfra Days sponsorships are available at various levels with a wide range of benefits. Sponsorship funding curbs high registration fees. This is stressed to participants before and during the event. Organizers also stress that sponsors are potential collaborators who enable participants to do their research. See sponsor information.

Three sponsorship levels are available and multiple opportunities, like reception, coffee hour, meals, and diversity registrations.