Submission information
Submission Number: 123
Submission ID: 216
Submission UUID: 441ea3e2-ee59-461b-be6c-af1b112aae33
Submission URI: /form/project
Created: Tue, 11/02/2021 - 06:12
Completed: Tue, 11/02/2021 - 06:12
Changed: Mon, 11/21/2022 - 14:26
Remote IP address:
Submitted by: Gaurav Khanna
Language: English
Is draft: No
Webform: Project
Host-symbiont population genomics - analyzing the intraspecific variability of methanogenic archaeal endosymbionts of genus Methanocorpusculum hosted by a marine anaerobic ciliate Metopus sp. (Metopida)

Project Leader
Project Personnel
Project Information
This project aims to deepen our knowledge of the diversity of archaea-ciliate symbioses that are ubiquitous in anoxic coastal sediments. Using bioinformatic approaches, we plan to assess the intraspecific diversity and population structure of methanogenic archaeal endosymbionts hosted by a marine anaerobic ciliate Metopus sp. (Metopida). We have prepared a nested experimental design for sequencing of 96 single-cell metagenomes of 15 cultivated and uncultivated strains of this ciliate species, isolated from various locations across coastal New England, as well as one from a geographically remote location on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean. Using comparative and population genomics methods, we will uncover host-symbiont specificity patterns, which will provide insight into the evolution of this unique symbiotic relationship. The main goal of this CyberTeams project is to get assistance in setting up these genomic methods on URI and MGHPCC HPC systems for faster throughput.
Project Information Subsection
The main deliverable of this CyberTeams project is a working and tested workflow to execute genomic methods on URI and MGHPCC HPC systems for faster throughput.
Some hands-on experience
University of Rhode Island -- Bay Campus
Rhode Island. 02881
CR-University of Rhode Island
Already behind3Start date is flexible
6 months
- Milestone Title: Milestone #1
Milestone Description: Assess available HPC resources and get access; get organized using GitHub; prepare project “launch” presentation.
Completion Date Goal: 2022-02-15
Actual Completion Date: 2022-02-15 - Milestone Title: Milestone #2
Milestone Description: Get experience and training on selected HPC resource(s); get research workflow set up; run some key tests.
Completion Date Goal: 2022-03-31
Actual Completion Date: 2022-03-31 - Milestone Title: Milestone #3
Milestone Description: Utilize the established and tested bioinformatics computational workflow for scientific productivity.
Completion Date Goal: 2022-05-15
Actual Completion Date: 2022-05-15 - Milestone Title: Milestone #4
Milestone Description: Assemble and organize results; commit final codes to GitHub repo; deliver “wrap” presentation.
Completion Date Goal: 2022-06-30
Actual Completion Date: 2022-11-09
Final Report
Studying symbioses between unicellular eukaryotes (protists) and intracellular methanogenic archaea is critical to our understanding of the evolution of eukaryotic life without oxygen, as well as the impact of these multi-domain holobionts on global methane production. Nearly all anaerobic ciliates, ecologically important protists commonly found in oxygen depleted environments, host methanogenic endosymbionts, but their host-symbiont specificity patterns and intraspecific variability remain largely unknown. We bring the first large-scale genomic analysis of the population structure of both host and symbionts in this partnership, providing key insights into the specificity of these symbioses, and building a foundation for future studies of eukaryotic-prokaryotic liasons in anoxia.
I have learned to work at the URI Andromeda research cluster, how to properly schedule and plan large computing jobs using several nodes but also to back up all data on a regular basis.
I was able to use and adapt computational software pipelines to assemble and analyze new transcriptomic and large-scale metagenomic data that we have sequenced. I have assembled a eukaryotic transcriptome from the target organism (ciliate hosting archaeal endosymbiont) and genomes from 78 single-cell metagenomic samples from various populations of the archaeal endosymbiont (Methanocorpusculum sp.) from the same ciliate host species. I have analyzed the genomic data to assess the symbiont-host co-diversification and genetic variation. In addition, I have reconstructed mitochondrial genomes from the selected ciliate host populations and performed a mitochondrial phylogenomic analysis to confirm the host phylogeny.