12/09/24 - 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM EST



Please join us for a presentation by the Intel Center of Excellence (COE) on the use of the Intel® oneAPI suite of compilers, libraries, and performance tools on Intel GPU based machines.

The presentation will cover the following topics:

  • Using SYCL and OpenMP (offload) APIs with the Intel oneAPI DPCPP/C++ compiler:
  • The OpenMP Offload API for Fortran
  • Unified Shared Memory
  • The use of oneMKL in GPU enabled code
  • Evaluation of code performance using Intel VTune

The Intel Center of Excellence @ Argonne National Laboratory is a small team of engineers and scientists from Intel® Corporation focused on Scientific Computing and AI in Science. The team will be available for an open forum style discussion on topics of interest to members of NSF’s science and AI communities.

Sessions will be held twice a month on Mondays from 3:00pm-4:00pm CST via Teams. Here is what attendees can expect:

  • The benefit of interacting with engineers who have years of direct experience enabling complex scientific and AI workflows on CPUs and GPUs.
  • For beginners, direction on getting started on their pursuits in scientific computation and AI.
  • For advanced users, the benefit of the team’s best-known-methods to develop, optimize, and deploy complex codes in modern computing environments.

Please register to join us for an open discussion on computing topics of interest to you.