Training and Events

Title Event Date Description
RCAC Anvil Open OnDemand 03/15/24 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

RCAC Anvil Open OnDemand is for students, staff, and faculty interested in transitioning from using local computing resources to using the ACCESS Anvil cluster via Open OnDemand. No prerequisite knowledge is required.

Topic Overview:

  • Background on clusters and Open OnDemand
  • Navigating Open OnDemand
  • Launching interactive apps
Anvil Support Hour 03/14/24 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

When you need support from the Anvil team for a complex workflow, or want to discuss your ideas directly with our team, please consider registering for Anvil Support Hour! We will be available every Thursday from 2:00pm-3:00pm EST via Zoom. Reserve your 20-minute slot for our discussion! Topics for our conversation can be about:

RCAC Generative AI Series Part 1: Prompt Engineering 03/08/24 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EST

In this initial RCAC Generative AI Series workshop, attendees will explore the art and science of prompt engineering in the realm of generative AI. This session is designed to provide practical insights into crafting effective prompts to generate more relevant and accurate results. While prior knowledge of deep learning fundamentals will be beneficial, the workshop will offer a broad overview suitable for various participants, from students to faculty.

RCAC Software Installation 101 03/01/24 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EST

Software Installation 101 is for anyone looking to learn the fundamentals of software installation on Linux/Unix-based high-performance computing systems. Prior experience with the command line and cluster computing will be helpful. Topics covered will include the following:

  • Foundations
  • Unpacking
  • Compiling from Source
  • Compiling from Source with Dependencies
  • QA
Anvil 101 02/02/24 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EST

This webinar covers the basics of connecting to Anvil, managing the user environment, running jobs, and data management. Knowledge of basic UNIX commands and submitting batch jobs to a cluster will be helpful.

Topics Overview:

Data Visualization Techniques and Tools 12/08/23 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EST

This virtual seminar will introduce data visualization techniques and tools. Attendees should have some prior knowledge of programming and data analysis. The 90-minute seminar will focus on essential concepts and hands-on experience in data visualization.

Topics Covered:

RCAC Intel oneAPI Training 2023: AI Analytics Toolkit & oneDNN 11/09/23 - 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM EST

This virtual workshop will cover the Intel AI Analytics Toolkit, oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) and the Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) as part of the oneAPI training series. Details on each topic are below.

Registration via Teams is required to attend.

RCAC Intel oneAPI Training 2023: Profiling & Debugging 11/02/23 - 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop will cover the Intel VTune Profiler, Intel Advisor, and Intel Distribution for GDB as part of the oneAPI training series. Details on each topic are below.

Registration via Teams is required to attend.

RCAC Intel oneAPI Training 2023: Libraries & MPI 10/26/23 - 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop will cover the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL), Collective Communication Library (oneCCL) and the MPI Library as part of the oneAPI training series. Details on each topic are below.

Registration via Teams is required to attend.

Practical Quantum Computing for Scientists 10/25/23 - 02:30 PM - 03:30 PM EDT

This virtual workshop will introduce Quantum Computing (QC) and IBM Qiskit, explain why QC can solve seemingly impossible problems, and show examples of QC applications in Quantum Simulations, Optimization, and Machine Learning.

RCAC Intel oneAPI Training 2023: SYCL & Compilers 10/19/23 - 01:30 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop will provide an overview of SYCL programming as well as the Intel C++, DPC++, and Fortran Compilers as part of the oneAPI training series. Details on each topic are below.

Registration via Teams is required to attend.


Fundamentals of Job Management 10/13/23 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop will introduce attendees to various strategies available for establishing and managing their scientific workflows. Attendees should have some knowledge of Linux prior to attending as well as basic knowledge of how to submit a batch job in Slurm (resources available on the RCAC training page). Topics covered will include the following:

Using VASP on Anvil 09/15/23 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop is for researchers interested in learning about using VASP (the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package) on Anvil. The workshop will provide a quick introduction to VASP, an overview of creating and optimizing VASP jobs on Anvil, and practical tips for success. Some familiarity with Linux/Unix will be helpful. New and prospective users welcome! Topics covered will include the following:

  • Introduction to VASP
  • VASP Jobs & Input Files
  • Optimizing VASP Jobs
  • Practical Tips
Containerizing HPC applications with Singularity/Apptainer 09/08/23 - 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM EDT

This virtual workshop is for researchers interested in learning about containerizing HPC applications using Singularity/Apptainer. No prerequisite knowledge is required. New and prospective users welcome! Topics covered will include the following:

  • What are containers and why should we use them?
  • Singularity/Apptainer basics
  • How to use apptainer to containerize your own applications
  • Deployed containers on RCAC clusters
Anvil Open OnDemand 101 05/05/23 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

Anvil Open OnDemand 101 is for students, staff, and faculty interested in transitioning from using local computing resources to using the ACCESS Anvil cluster via Open OnDemand. No prerequisite knowledge is required.


Topic Overview:

  • Background on clusters and Open OnDemand
  • Navigating Open OnDemand
  • Launching interactive apps
Containerized Bioinformatics Applications for HPC 03/23/23 - 02:00 PM - 03:00 PM EDT

This bioinformatics workshop will introduce the containerized bioinformatics computing resources provided by Purdue Rosen Center for Advanced Computing in ACCESS Anvil. Familiarity with the Linux/Unix command-line is recommended.

Topics overview:

  • Containerized bioinformatics applications on Anvil
  • Open OnDemand for GUI applications
  • Customized R containers for RNAseq and scRNAseq analysis
  • Customized Python containers supporting Jupyter
  • Batch jobs and interactive jobs
RCAC and NVIDIA Present - Using GPUs with Python 09/30/22 - 01:00 PM - 05:00 PM EDT

Python is the leading language for data science today and is being increasingly used in scientific computations. This workshop introduces Python GPU tools for porting and writing code that runs on GPUs. The primary tools, Numba and CuPy, are presented with examples. A Jupyter notebook is used for hands-on student exercises along with a set of lecture slides.

To get the most out of the lecture, students should have a good understanding of Python.

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