Automated Machine Learning Book |
Learning |
aidata-analysisdeep-learning +4
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CI Computing Module For All |
Learning |
aicomputer-visionneural-networks +17
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Cornell Virtual Workshop |
Learning |
jetstreamstampede2cloud-computing +12
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Data Analysis with R for Educators |
Video |
data-analysisdata-sciencepsychology +4
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Fundamentals of R Programming |
Learning |
ACESTAMUplotting +2
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Geocomputation with R (Free Reference Book) |
Learning |
r |
HPC University |
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debugginghpc-operationsprofessional-development +7
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Info about retiring of R GIS packages rgdal, rgeos, maptools in 2023 |
Docs |
r |
Machine Learning in R online book |
Learning |
data-analysismachine-learningr |
R for Data Science |
Learning |
visualizationdata-analysisdata-science +1
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R for Research Scientists |
Learning |
software-carpentryworkforce-developmentr |
Regular Expressions |
Learning |
perlprogrammingpython +1
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Research Software Development in JupyterLab: A Platform for Collaboration Between Scientists and RSEs |
Learning |
aivisualizationbig-data +23
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Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics |
Docs |
plottingvisualizationdata-analysis +3
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