AI Institutes Cyberinfrastructure Documents: SAIL Meeting |
Learning |
access-accountaidata-analysis +1
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An Introduction to the Julia Programming Language |
Learning |
aidata-analysismachine-learning +1
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Applications of Machine Learning in Engineering and Parameter Tuning Tutorial |
Learning |
data-analysismachine-learningpython |
Automated Machine Learning Book |
Learning |
aidata-analysisdeep-learning +4
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Awesome Jupyter Widgets (for building interactive scientific workflows or science gateway tools) |
Learning |
aicomputer-graphicsplotting +33
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CaRCC Data Facing Track |
Website |
data-analysisdata-access-protocolsdata-lifecycle +10
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Cornell Virtual Workshop |
Learning |
jetstreamstampede2cloud-computing +12
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Data Analysis with R for Educators |
Video |
data-analysisdata-sciencepsychology +4
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Data Imputation Methods for Climate Data and Mortality Data |
Video |
allocation-valuedocumentationai +4
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DeapSECURE – Data-Enabled Advanced Computational Training Platform for Cybersecurity Research and Education |
Learning |
aideep-learningmachine-learning +14
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Discover Data Science |
Website |
data-analysisworkforce-development |
Displaying Scientific Data with Tableau |
Video |
big-datadata-analysistraining +1
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Fairness and Machine Learning |
Docs |
aidata-analysisdeep-learning +2
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FreeSurfer Tutorials |
Learning |
data-analysisimage-processingpsychology |
FSL Lectures |
Learning |
data-analysisimage-processingpsychology |
Fundamentals of R Programming |
Learning |
ACESTAMUplotting +2
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GPU Acceleration in Python |
Learning |
machine-learningbig-datadata-analysis +5
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Intro to Statistical Computing with Stan |
Docs |
data-analysismachine-learningmonte-carlo +1
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Introduction to Python for Digital Humanities and Computational Research |
Docs |
aibig-datadata-analysis +3
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Introductory Tutorial to Numpy and Pandas for Data Analysis |
Docs |
aibig-datadata-analysis +1
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Machine Learning in R online book |
Learning |
data-analysismachine-learningr |
marimo | a next generation python notebook |
Tool |
aicomputer-graphicsplotting +5
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Master's in Data Science Program Guide - TechGuide |
Website |
big-datadata-analysisdata-science |
MATLAB bioinformatics toolbox |
Tool |
visualizationdata-analysisbioinformatics +2
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Website |
data-analysisimage-processingdata-sharing |
Numpy - a Python Library |
Tool |
documentationbig-datadata-analysis +5
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Online Bachelor's in Data Science Program Guide - TechGuide |
Website |
machine-learningbig-datadata-analysis +1
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Online Master's in Business Analytics Program Guide - TechGuide |
Website |
machine-learningbig-datadata-analysis +1
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Optimizing Research Workflows - A Documentation of Snakemake |
Docs |
documentationdata-analysisdata-reproducibility +4
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Pandas - Python |
Docs |
documentationaibig-data +1
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Python Tools for Data Science |
Video |
aimachine-learningbig-data +8
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PyTorch for Deep Learning and Natural Language Processing |
Docs |
aibig-datadata-analysis +3
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R for Data Science |
Learning |
visualizationdata-analysisdata-science +1
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Recommended Libraries for Cyberinfrastructure Users Developing Jupyter Notebooks |
Website |
aibig-datadata-analysis +26
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Research Software Development in JupyterLab: A Platform for Collaboration Between Scientists and RSEs |
Learning |
aivisualizationbig-data +23
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Samtools Documentation |
Docs |
documentationdata-analysisbioinformatics +2
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Science Gateway Tool/Web App Template (Jupyter Notebook + ipywidgets) |
Learning |
data-analysisgithubastrophysics +17
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Scikit-Learn: Easy Machine Learning and Modeling |
Tool |
documentationaiplotting +9
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Scipy Lecture Notes |
Learning |
visualizationdata-analysismachine-learning +1
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Spatial Data Science in the Cloud (Alpine HPC) using Python |
Learning |
cloudbig-datadata-analysis +6
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Useful R Packages for Data Science and Statistics |
Docs |
plottingvisualizationdata-analysis +3
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Weka |
Tool |
big-datadata-analysismachine-learning +3
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What is fairness in ML? |
Docs |
aivisualizationdata-analysis +2
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